Judge Michael Newman Meets Versailles High School Students

Judge Michael J. Newman of the Southern District of Ohio and Career Law Clerk Michael Rhinehart meet with students at Versailles High School in Versailles, Ohio on March 13, 2018.

Judge Newman Meets with Students at Springboro Junior High

In January 2018, Judge Michael Newman, his career law clerk Mike Rhinehart, and his term law clerk LeighAnn Thomas met with approximately 500 8th grade students at Springboro Junior High School in Springboro, Ohio (near Dayton) to talk to these intermediate school students about the federal courts, the difference between criminal and civil cases, how federal judges decide cases, bench trials and jury trials, and the mediation of civil disputes. Judge Newman, Mr. Rhinehart, and Ms. Thomas answered the students' civics questions and discussed with them the importance of fairness and due process. The students also discussed career paths in the law.

Teachers Law School Chattanooga

A total of 14 teachers around the area participated in the Teacher Law School program on November 14, 2019. Judge Curtis L. Collier spoke to the group about Federal Courts. The teachers observed several sentencing hearings before Judge Travis McDonough. One of the highlights of the program for the teachers was the opportunity to participate in a mock voir dire presided over by Judge McDonough. The teachers participated as members of the jury pool. AUSA Kyle Wilson (former law clerk to Judge Mattice) represented the government. Clay Whittaker (CJA panel attorney) represented Defendant Travis Thompson (current career law clerk to Judge McDonough). Following the voir dire event, the group had a Q&A with Judge McDonough and Judge Lee about things they observed during the hearings and mock voir dire. Professor Kody Cooper from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga campus also gave a presentation to the group on Judicial Supremacy and its Challengers.

Lincoln Memorial Duncan School of Law

A total of 14 teachers around the area participated in the Teacher Law School program on November 14, 2019. Judge Curtis L. Collier spoke to the group about Federal Courts. The teachers observed several sentencing hearings before Judge Travis McDonough. 

Justice for All

A group of 20 high school students and chaperones from Gibbs High School participated in this bi-annual outreach activity. The program began with a tour of the History Suite and courthouse followed by a panel discussion by local attorneys, law students and law school deans. The panelist responded to questions and shared with the students the path that lead them to a career in law. The students were provided lunch with the judges and panelist where they had an opportunity to speak one on one and learn more about their career path in law. Following lunch, the students participated in a mock trial followed by a panel discussion with Chief District Judge Pamela L. Reeves, Senior District Judge Curtis L. Collier, U. S. Bankruptcy Judge Suzanne H. Bauknight and U.S. Magistrate Judge C. Clifford Shirley, Jr. The panel discussion was entitled “If I Can Do It.” 

Judge Michael Newman Meets Five Points Elementary Students

On November 7, 2018, Judge Newman and his law clerks Mike Rhinehart and Taylor Gamm met with multiple third grade classes at Five Points Elementary School in Springboro, Ohio. They discussed the three branches of government, the role of a federal judge, and civil versus criminal cases. Here, Judge Newman, Mr. Rhinehart, and Ms. Gamm pose with Ms. Loch's third grade class.

Judge Newman Speaking to Dayton Public School Students

This October and November, Judge Newman and his chambers staff are speaking to Dayton Public School students from all six DPS high schools. Here, Judge Newman and his career law clerk Mike Rhinehart pose with DPS students from the David H. Ponitz Career Technology Center along with Kelvin Glover from U.S. Probation and Marie Sebatware from U.S. Pretrial Services.

Judge Michael Newman Meets Tipp City High School Students

Judge Michael J. Newman of the Southern District of Ohio with Career Law Clerk Michael Rhinehart and Teacher Randy Sentman during a visit by Judge Newman and Mr. Rhinehart to Mr. Sentman's high school civics class in Tipp City, Ohio on March 20, 2018.  Judge Newman and Mr. Rhinehart met with multiple different civics classes taught by Mr. Sentman to teach the students about a number of topics including the importance of the Federal Courts; the workings of the three branches of government; and the manner in which Federal Judges apply the law fairly and appropriately to decide complicated disputes. 

Federal Judges Teach Other Federal Judges About Civics Education

The success of the National Civics Initiative has led Judges from within the Sixth Circuit being asked to teach other federal judges how best to educate students and adults about civics and the workings of the federal courts and three branches of government. In April 2018, and again in July 2018, Judge Michael Newman (from the Southern District of Ohio), Rebecca Fanning (from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts), Judge Shaniek Maynard (from the Southern District of Florida), and Judge Kristen Mix (from the District of Colorado) spoke together at the national Magistrate Judges Workshops in New Orleans and Denver.

Book Reading Recording at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center

On July 1, 2020, Senior Judge Curtis L. Collier participated in a book reading recording at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center in Chattanooga for the Center’s new series titled “Bessie’s Front Porch.” The series will be posted on the Center’s Facebook page to reach children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Judge Collier read Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., written by Doreen Rappaport and illustrated by Bryan Collier (no relation).”