Courthouse Visits

We encourage school groups and community organizations to visit our courthouses to learn firsthand about the work of the court from the judges and staff of the courts. Listen to our judges discuss their vital role in our government. View presentations about the history of our courts and the architecture of our courthouses. Hear from the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Attorney's Offices, Pre-trial and Probation Offices, and Federal Defenders. View:

  • Courthouse history, facts, photos
  • Explanations of famous cases
  • Educational resources about jury service

Learn more about the federal courts in the Sixth Circuit here.

Tyner Academy Mock Trial Team visits Joel W. Solomon Federal Building

Tyner Academy Mock Trial Team visited the Joel W. Solomon Federal Building and Courthouse on May 7, 2018. This was the first year Tyner Academy had participated in the mock trial competition in several years. The group met with Judge Collier prior to observing three criminal hearings before Judge Collier. Following the hearings, the students had an opportunity to meet participants from the hearings they had observed which included Assistant United States Attorney Chris Poole, United States Probation Officer Crystal Johnson, Defense Attorney Leslie Cory, and Defense Attorney Marty Levitt. The participants discussed with the students the cases that they observed in court, and Judge Collier and the participants gave the students an opportunity to ask questions.

Tyner Academy Mock Trial Team visits Joel W. Solomon Federal Building

Judge Newman hosted civics students from Tippecanoe High School

In his courtroom in the Dayton, Ohio Federal Courthouse, Judge Newman hosted civics students from Tippecanoe High School in Tipp City, Ohio.

Four teachers from Tippecanoe High attended the morning session including teacher Randy Sentman with whom Judge Newman has appeared on the Cincinnati Public Radio station, WVXU, to talk about civics education in the Southern District of Ohio.

The students heard presentations from Judge Newman, career law clerk Mike Rhinehart, Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Koller, and Deputy U.S. Marshal Ivan Garcia. A number of topics were covered in the three-hour session including federal jurisdiction, the structure of the federal courts, separation of powers, state versus federal courts, criminal and civil cases, trials, mediations, the Judiciary Act of 1789, and the history of the Southern District of Ohio.

Judge Newman hosted civics students from Tippecanoe High School

U.S. District Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Knoxville

On April 1, 2019, U.S. District Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Knoxville hosted a group of students from South Doyle High School and Fulton High School who participated in the all-day Justice For All program. A total of 26 students and chaperones/teachers participated in the event which included a morning panel discussion by local attorneys, law students and law school deans. The panelist each share their backgrounds and what led them to a career in law. The panelist responded to questions and shared with the students that having a difficult childhood or not having financial support is not a deterrent to pursuing whatever dreams you may have for your future. The students also participated in a tour of the courthouse and history museum, participated in a mock trial, participated in a panel discussion with some of the judges, and enjoyed lunch with the judges and other panel participants.

U.S. District Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Knoxville

Judge Michael Newman Meets National Trail High School Students

March 2019: Judge Newman and his career law clerk, Mike Rhinehart, met with students from National Trail High School in New Paris, Ohio. ATF agents also explained their law-enforcement role to the students and did a presentation. First Assistant United States Attorney Vipal Patel also discussed the history and current role of the United States Attorney’s Office.

Judge Michael Newman Meets National Trail High School Students